Saturday, November 28, 2009

How do you apply bronzing powder???

i have this little problem... everytime i apply it, it looks like i just painted my cheeks gold... how much do i apply, where, and HOW??? i use a blusher brush and i am sure im not overloading the brush nor that it is the wrong colour for me... i remember a lady put it on for me professionally and i loved it! what have i done???How do you apply bronzing powder???
Don't overdo the bronzer or else it will just looks too shimmery like you have a bad sunburn or something. You want to look like it's natural and that you've only been in the sun for a couple minutes. The trick is to get the right shades. I use a blush brush..the size of my apples or cheeks. A brush too bigger than that will get the bronzer everywhere on your face. Swirl your brush into your bronzer and then tap it or blow onto the bristles to take out the excess powders. Sweep it lightly across your forehead, right above your brow(only an inch above your eye brows, anymore than's too much), lightly right down your nose, and the side cheeks of your nose (This area is located next to your nose and is not on the nose is close to your apples/ cheeks), and apply on your chin. Don't apply the bronzer to your will look too much! Hope that helped.How do you apply bronzing powder???
Okay the key is NOT to apply it everywhere. You dust it across your forehead, on the apples of your cheeks, and a tad down the centre of your nose. Try putting a little bit at a time until you are satisfied. And make sure there's good lighting or you'll look like a pumpkin once you get outside!
Make sure the bronzer is for your skin tone lets say 2-3 shades off your natural color. Make sure you have a big fluffy brush, not the little one the product comes with. Then apply it across forehead, jawline, down your nose, across cheekbones.
First , u must have the right shade, then get the right brush . it should be real fat brissles, milk or etc very soft.. U put a little on brush , tap it to get rid of the loose. apply it lightly. on your face etc. a little and litely is the key, if too much, it looks fake and streaky, Practice , practice... Good luck. make sure your face is dry....
When you are about to apply it, just blow or tap alil of the excess powder off. Then dab a tiny bit on your t-zone, and on your cheeks.
u should use a blush brush and just swipe it into the powder once and shake the excess powder off and than apply that much to your cheek bones would be and a little less than that on your forehead and mebe just a tad on your nose. That should do it!
How to apply Bronzer鈥?/a>
Imagine you're making a ';3'; on your face. 1.) Suck in your cheeks. 2.)Starting at your temple, almost in your hairline, follow the curve of your face and make the ';top curve'; of the 3 from temple to just in the hollow you made when sucking in your cheeks. 3.)Starting in the hollow of your cheet, follow the curve of your face to make the bottom curve of the 3 from hollow to jawline. 4.)Repeat on the other side of your face.

This bronzes your face, as well as countours it. For a more done-up and extra-sunkissed glow, sweep one, light line across your forehead and down the middle of your nose in a ';T'; shape.

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